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Free Your Voice, Free Your Life

We are here to remind you of the power
within your voice!

This has been more beneficial than 10 years of traditional therapy!


~ Mason Grace

Do you...

  • Tend to say yes when you really mean to say no?

  • Express all of you, or are you silencing yourself?

  • Take your rightful space as the King or Queen of your life?

  • Suppress core emotions like happiness, anger, fear or sadness?

  • Find yourself holding back from speaking your authentic truth?

  • Experience anxiety when you have to speak your truth?

  • Feel stuck at times, feeling afraid of expressing yourself fully?

  • Abandon parts of your voice/your self?

What is Vocal Life Coaching?

‘Vocal Life Coaching’ is Holistic Somatic Life Coaching utilizing our voice as a portal for personal transformation, where we offer heart connection and clarity coaching sessions. Standing in our true essence and speaking our truth are great words, but how can we truly embrace and execute this? Our life coaching approach will give you hands on tools and techniques as to how you can take the next steps into unleashing your magic and living your truth.


Our voice and our life are intrinsically interconnected and they directly affect each other. In these sessions we will evaluate your needs, desires, and requests, and help focus and guide you with a uniquely tailored plan for your vision. Whether it be working with you specifically on your vocal artistry (i.e. Vocal Coaching for Singers), or on other important aspects of your Life that you may need support with, we can assist you.

Please note that this is not only for Singers and Musicians. And you need not have any prior vocal experience whatsoever to benefit from these sessions. This is for you … the business woman or man, the (aspiring) speaker, the teacher, the student … The Human Being and the Beautiful Soul that Lives within!


If you are feeling challenged with accepting the story of your life (or life in general) and where you find yourself within it, we are here for and with you. Let us help guide you in re-writing the song that is your life!

Why we created VLC

We have both been on our individual transformational journeys and have experienced the power of using our voice. We started creating exercises and tools taking from both of our many years of experiences and studies and we literally merged our two biggest passions ... The human voice with personal transformation.

Various coaching and healing modalities all share the common perspective that we must 'feel to heal'. What we’ve personally experienced on our journeys is that it can be challenging and mind boggling to know how to really FEEL our feelings. How to allow ourselves to feel it all. How do we apply this? It is here where our voice comes in really handy. The voice allows us to deepen into a feeling. To express ourselves with sound is a very primal and transformational human tool. 



The human body consists of 60% water, and our blood consists of 90% water. Water has been proven to be directly affected by vibrations (energy, sound, words, etc.) Check out the work of Masaru Emoto "The Hidden Messages in Water" for some astounding examples of this phenomena.

About us

Alexander Perez
Vocal Life Coach
Sidsel Ben Semmane
Vocal Life Coach

“Someone I know once told me ‘You can't have it all, it's just not possible. You're either successful in business/financially, or you're successful in Love/Relationships, but never both.’ I refuse to buy into this. I firmly believe that anything is possible. Besides, if everything is Love, then how could any side of this illusory token be excluded. Keep on Growing, keep on Believing, and keep on Loving no matter what!”


Aloha, Alexander here. I’m a professional Singer/Songwriter/Performer, Entrepreneur, and Vocal Life Coach with 20+ years experience, especially in the fields of personal development, human/spiritual consciousness, self-awareness, and self-realization among others, aka Life itself … the ultimate teacher.


What inspired me to create Vocal Life Coaching?

After years of performing at, attending, and even co-hosting/co-facilitating all kinds of conscious, spiritual and transformational events, from Spiritual/New Thought Venues, Workshops, Retreats and Music Festivals, plus years of supporting and working with others via Vocal Coaching, etc., it was a matter of time and almost destiny if you will, that I would heed this calling. In fact it had been calling me for some years before I started to fully listen and soften my resistance to it. I feel it would be a disservice to myself and humanity at large if I were to just horde all of the knowledge, wisdom, and life experience that I have been blessed to witness, explore, share in, learn from, and even gain through my own blood, sweat and tears.

Struggles, Loss, Survival, and Wins … My life story in a nutshell.

From Childhood onto the Stage … My Early Beginnings

After having a very traumatic early childhood , almost losing my father when I was 3 to a major vehicle accident when an 18 wheeler plowed into his truck full speed, crushing most of his body, claiming his right arm and almost his life … then being sexually molested by an older male cousin from the age of 5 till about 7-ish … in and out of my children’s psychiatric doctor’s office starting at age 5 … and of course surviving later childhood and my teenage years while on and off medication for depression and anxiety … becoming borderline alcoholic before I even reached my senior year in high school … I then discovered my love and gift for music, and especially singing and vocal harmonies, in my late teens. By the time I actually got clear and decided to start pursuing my musical career, my father had recently passed away.


Marriage, Kids, Health, Death & Divorce

I got married to my first wife fairly young and had our third daughter by the age of 25. In those same years in my very early 20’s, I started and co-founded an international conscious world fusion music band by the name of ‘Inner Voice’ (later renamed ‘here ii here’), eventually traveled and toured extensively spending loads of time away from my family, which not only affected me and them tremendously, but was also eventually a big part of the demise of my first marriage. After years of that roller coaster of a life, I pulled the plug on that very band and quit music altogether (so I thought at the time), hit the lowest low that I believe to be possible, gained the most weight I ever have in my entire life (60+ lbs overweight), was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, filed for bankruptcy, spent the next 2+ years in hospitals, ALF’s, nursing homes, and back to hospitals with my mom fighting for her life after having repeated hemorrhaging brain strokes, a major brain surgery, then spending over a full year trying to recover yet barely surviving in ICU on life support, and eventually dying after that whole devastating 3 year journey. Oh, and my older brother, which unbeknownst to the rest of us in Miami had been fighting for his life from a very rare and unexpected illness in Tampa, passed away just 1 week after my mother. Barely 2 months after my mothers and brothers passing, my now ex-wife filed for divorce. To say that I hit rock bottom is an understatement.



Fast forward a few years, a move from Miami to Los Angeles, then back to South Florida, a finally finalized divorce that dragged out over 2 years, a few more coaching and transformational programs, a Grandmother Plant Medicine ‘Dieta’ (aka Ayahuasca) adventure that took me deep into the Amazon Rainforest of Peru, and a few attempts at new romantic relationships … I met my beautifully amazing beloved life partner and wife Sidsel. After a powerfully inspiring yet turbulent start to our relationship, we went on to start our music duo LUMIZONE, and later created our new Life Coaching modality now known as ‘Vocal Life Coaching’.



I share these so called life challenges and lows, not as a way to focus only on the negatives, as I’ve had quite a whole lot of highs and beautiful blessed moments in my life as well (in fact there has been more of these in my life), but because I’d like to illustrate the fuller spectrum of my humanness and hardships that I’ve also endured. My intention is to not only share my story with you, but to let you know that I wholeheartedly invite you into this space to be safely held, supported, seen and heard, with every aspect of your story as well, reminding us that not only are we not our stories, but also that we have the capacity to overcome and choose different and better for ourselves regardless of our past. I. Am. Here.

“I have traveled far and beyond, but my greatest journey has been, and still is, the journey within. The journey into alignment with my higher-self. Discovering my self, as I discover the alchemy that I am able to create, as I allow myself to speak and live my truth.”


Hi, my name is Sidsel, pronounced [Sisel] as the D is silent.

I am a Vocal Life Coach, singer, songwriter and performer, born in Denmark, and based out of Miami.

What inspired me to create Vocal Life Coaching?

It’s an honor for me to support fellow earth family to step into new energetic fields, to experience personal shifts and transformation. I’ve always known in the back of my head that one day I would dedicate my life to supporting other fellow souls on this planet to follow their dreams. It’s a gift for me to be a safe container while listening to people and offer support and hands on tools to move through what’s needed. I am very excited for this new modality that we have created as I get to use all of my experience and expertise within two of the most magical and transformative fields; music and self development.


My Journey into Alignment

My first connection to my higher calling came through music. The vibrational alignment I experienced was indescribable and I knew deep inside that using my voice was a big part of my life path. But as I got into the commercial side of the music business, my alignment got off center and I felt that something wasn’t right for me within that frame. From that moment on I started to dive deeper into this human experience, studying all the conscious teachers that were crossing my path. I felt more and more called to these teachings and I resonated so deeply with diving deeper into learning about the human experience in this Earth School.



In 2018 I was at a point in my life where I felt so separated from my self, my previous husband, my work and the world. I felt stuck in a black hole and I was diagnosed with cell changes in my cervix. I knew that my body was screaming to me; LISTEN! I had a session with my long time life coach and I remember his words that became the death and birth of a new era. He said: “It’s time to reset.” This lead to a lot of goodbyes and ‘deaths’ of old attachments both physically and mentally.


Today I hold a Masters Degree in Music after 7 years of studies, but my greatest schooling of all time has been my self-discovery studies, as I’ve gone through various life contrasts from fame, depression, traveling the world, anxiety, toxic relationships, divorce, disease, living abroad, following my dreams and becoming a mother.

Come on a transformational journey with us, where together, we will explore your vibrational (life) composition and how we can shift the ‘harmonies within your life and body’.

We are here to remind you that:


  • You are the writer of your life's song

  • You have healing powers in your voice

  • You are a vibrational being and therefore never separate or alone

  • You can tap into your internal field of music and be the medicine for your own healing and expansion

Alexander and Sidsel bring a rare and complete balance of masculine and feminine to their work with clients. Not only did I feel completely understood by them, they helped me truly understand and accept myself! I felt such a sense of peace after working with them. This helped me take aligned action right away and see my desires come to life in such an organic way. I highly recommend working with this power couple!

~ Kimberly S.

The VLC - V.O.I.C.E. Method






Work with us

What to Expect?

Before your first session, you will fill out a simple questionnaire. In this way, your coach can prepare for your sessions based on your requests, needs, goals and vision. The duration of each session is approximately 60 minutes and take place on Zoom. We advise that you set aside some extra time after your sessions as to process and allow the work to settle in.   


Some core elements that your sessions will consist of and support you with...
  • Heart Centered Coaching

  • Unleash Your Voice, Unleash Your Life

  • The VLC - VOICE Method

  • Find and Learn to Love Your Own Voice

  • Speak Your Truth

  • Reclaim and Stand in Your Power

  • Stand In Your True Essence

  • Break Through Your Perceived Limitations

  • Connect Deeper with YourSelf and Others

  • Learn Powerful Breath-Work and Vocal Techniques and Practices

  • Open Your Throat Chakra

  • Clear and Powerful Communication Skills

  • Improve your Relationships; with yourself, intimate partner, and others

  • Get in Touch with Your Emotions and Learn Powerful Techniques to Process and Express Your True Self

  • Practice the Art of Improv

  • Learn to Trust Your Heart and Voice and what it wants to Share

Image by Ken Cheung

1:1 Journey

  • Come on a transformational journey with us

  • Be held, heard and guided in a safe container

  • Allow us to support you in tuning fully into yourself in all aspects

What's Included

  • 6 Month Journey 

  • Weekly 60 minute private video calls on Zoom with Alexander and/or Sidsel

  • 1 Private Sound Bath Session

  • Private individual text support

  • Access to Private VLC Tool-Box (audio, video, etc)

Image by Matt Howard
Image by Caleb Ekeroth

Couples Journey

  • Come on a transformational journey with us

  • Get support from either Sidsel and/or Alexander

  • Be held, heard and guided in a safe container

  • Allow us to support you on your relational journey and dance

What's Included

  • 3 Month Journey 

  • Weekly 60 minute private video calls on Zoom with Alexander and/or Sidsel

  • 1 Private Sound Bath Session

  • Private individual and collective text support

  • Access to Private VLC Tool-Box (audio, video, etc)

Image by Filipe Almeida
Image by Shane Rounce

Group Journey

  • Be part of a safe, intimate and powerful group field/container with a max. of 10 ppl.

  • Full attention and support from two highly experienced Vocal Life Coaches

  • Tools that can exercise your inner and outer ’muscles’ (i.e. breathing techniques, vocal techniques, mental techniques, etc.)

  • A community of likeminded humans going/growing and expanding through the journey right along with you


What's Included

  • 12 week journey

  • Weekly 90 minute group video calls on Zoom

  • 1 Private Zoom Session with Alexander or Sidsel

  • 1 Group Sound Bath Session

  • Private individual text support

  • Private VLC Group Page

  • Access to VLC Tool-Box (audio, video, etc)

Image by Chang Duong
What our community is saying...

Thank you once again for such a transformative session, I have felt lighter and clearer ever since! Immediately afterwards, all sensations seemed much more acute, like tastes and smells were more intense... So interesting. Loved it! You are a magical couple who clearly were meant to meet to do this work.

~ Alisa Lockwood

Alexander, .... You bring so much talent to the table and it’s backed by a heart of gold…filled with love and care and a desire of only the highest and best for each soul you come in contact with. Alexander, you are a diamond…shining brightly for all the world to see and to be elevated and transformed by as you let your light shine.

~ Christy Schuchter Sharafinski

Graphic Designer & Copywriter - Huntersville, NC

“Sidsel has given me a fantastic musical foundation to stand on through our work with song technique, improvisation, songwriting, and to find my expression as a singer.

My voice feels set free, and can express a genuine and true me. Sidsel works structured and very seriously, but is great at talking and listening. In that way, she has helped me down exactly the path I would like to go musically myself. I can definitely recommend the experience I had.

Thank you so much Sidsel!

~ Jeppe Skovby

Teacher and Musician - Denmark

VLC About Alexander
VLC About Sidsel
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777 Brickell Ave Unit 500-97015, Miami, FL 33131

Phone: +1 305-306-9728

©2019-Present LUMIZONE

Conscious Sound Healing Music | Holistic Somatic Vocal Life Coaching | Conscious Relationship Coaching

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