Deeper Love
The Album The Tour The Documentary
Two Voices + A Temple on Wheels + A Mobile Studio
11 Sacred Sites + Community
A Movement of Deeper Love
The “Deeper Love Project” was born from a vision and deep calling dreamed up by Musical Love Scientists Sidsel Ben Semmane and Alexander Perez of International Conscious Music Duo LUMIZONE.
“Our mission is to spread awareness and amplify the ‘Deeper Love’ that we all have within us through Sacred Music and Community.”
“As Ordained ‘InGodWe’ Ministers, our official musical ministry, the ‘Deeper Love Temple’ will be the container that holds and hosts this Spirit Quest along its journey.”
Join the Deeper Love Tribe and Support our mission.

We are creating a ‘Deeper Love Temple’ on wheels with a mobile studio on board.
We will travel to 11 Sacred Sites throughout North America, recording the ‘Deeper Love Album’ on-site at the various locations, capturing live video performances as well.
Along the journey, we will bring the Temple to as many communities as possible, gathering in sacred musical ceremony, as we continuously research the power of ‘Deeper Love’ through deep meaningful conversations. Additionally, we will interview experts and specialists within various fields such as; personal development, human consciousness, spirituality, relationships, and environmental … capturing the magic on video for the documentary.

In a world with so much perceived division, separation and fear-based beliefs, where so many have lost loved ones to suicide, and our Home (Earth) is crying for attention with climate changes that are impacting us all more and more, ‘The Deeper Love Project’ was born.
We’ve asked ourselves: What can WE do to make a difference … to effect change?
What gifts have we been blessed with in this life and how can we be of service?
The answer is: our Voices, Musicality, Compassionate Hearts, and ‘Divine Love Union’ … and finding creative ways of sharing all of these with the world.
We wish to make a difference in as many hearts as possible and inspire people from all walks of life to keep on connecting through authentic presence … while loving up on ourselves, each other, and the world!
The Tour Map

The Impact
By creating and opening musical portals together with the intention of spreading deeper love as a tribe, we believe that as we nurture ourselves and eachother we nurture The All, Mother Earth.
It's a cycle and a ripple effect we wish to amplify starting from the inside out...
"As I Heal You Heal,
As You Heal I Heal
As We Heal the World Heals"

How to be a part of the tribe
To make this vision a reality and truly have the impact we wish to see in the world, We Need You! We can't do this alone!
All hearts that feels drawn to being a part of the mission we welcome you with open arms. There are several ways you can join us, depending on how you feel called to do so. Please read more below.
Become a sponsor of 'The Deeper Love Project'.
Become a member of 'The Deeper Love Temple'
Become a Deeper Love Angel through our crowdfunding campaign
Become a volunteer and help us spread the Deeper Love
How to Help Fund the project
To make this vision a reality and truly have the impact we wish to see in the world, We Need You! We can't do this alone!
The biggest expense to get the projects started is to build the 'Deeper Love Temple' on wheels so we can get 'rolling'.
See budget below...
Sponsor a ceremony or workshop for communities in need